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Financial Performance Overview


  • .PBIX file (Power BI template)
  • Sample dataset: Data.csv, Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Budget


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Using Microsoft Power BI, we move traditional financial reporting to modern BI dashboards and automate the reporting process, enhancing overall efficiency and reducing the time and it takes it takes to access vital finance data.

This financial dashboard consists of the following views and capabilities.

  1. Financial Overview 
    • Main KPIs to track P&L
    • Dynamically switch between two period scenarios (YTD or MTD)
    • Compare using dynamic benchmarks (vs Budget or vs Last year)
    • Assets, liabilities and expenses summary
  2. Income Statement
    • KPI Funnel
    • Month-over-Month Trend
    • Switch between graphical and table view
  3. Balance Sheet
    • Full tabular view of balance sheet for export