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Modern Finance Dashboard Template

Power BI starter template for Finance Dashboard

  • Track Finance KPI
    • Revenue
    • Cost of goods
    • Expense
    • Profit
    • Margin
  • Analyze MTD/YTD
  • Benchmark vs LY or Budget

Contains landing report page + placeholders pages. The layout was designed using Power BI Wireframe Template and will be compatible to all Metricalist Power BI themes and layout.


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Download modern Power BI template for Finance Dashboard. Track Finance KPI like revenue, cost of goods, profit and margin. Analyze MTD/YTD vs LY or Budget.


  • .PBIX file (Power BI template)
  • Sample dataset
  • Light and dark theme

1.1.0 – 2023.04.06
* Fix: Layout issue, theme not applying properly
* Update: new theme version

1.0.0 – 2023.03.28 * Initial Release

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